Saturday, June 04, 2011

Long fun day.

We drove otu to FAR last night. We arrived on site about midnight, and the great glowing ball fusing hydrogen (aka sun) rose promptly at 5:39.

I made three atttempts to capture a rocket launch from my autopilot euquiped helicopter. Its currently setup so I put it into position by RC then hit the freeze mode and it stays there in that exact position and orientation until I unfreeze it. So I can take shelter while the rocket launches toward the helicopter. The first attempt we were too far away and the goproHD just caught the rocket launch leaving the frame. The 2nd and 3rd attempts were with my workhorse HPR rocket and I was less concerned about playing chicken with someone else's rocket.

I have video from both the air and ground for all three shots. My video editing setup is currently not installed on my current computer so I can't edit the video.
So I uploaded the helicopter view from the 2nd attempt and the ground view from the third attempt unedited. These are the only ones that are short enough to be reasonable in size. The helicopter view interesting part starts at 2:36.

I would usually resolve this before posting, but I'm catching plane on Sunday and I just won't get to it.

After playing with the helicopter we ran the small printed peroxide/gar motor for the 3rd time. I have video of that, but its really boring, the rocket exhaust is completely clear, and you just get 3 minutes of hearing hissing noises. So I probably won't post that one. Other than leaking valve on the test stand the test was perfect. So I have finally killed my cat pack issues. This cat pack has run three times for at least 3 min each time, over a period of 3 months with no maintenance. This means I can static test a motor, and then put it in a flight vehicle with confidence it will work as desired.

The link for the ground based camera is here:

Video from Helicopter...

Slightly Edited video from the Helicopter with Slo-mo replays.


Glafunk said...

Impressive video from the chopper. Well done! ^o^

And the rocket parachuting back to launch like that... almost as if it was one of those GPS-guided parafoils ^_^

printing services said...

intresting video...thanks for sharing..

mikeasaurus said...

Hi Paul!

I just noticed your crazy awesome 3D printer rocket. I work at and wanted to give you a shout out and let you know about the Make It move contest we launched this week, we also have planned a Space Contest and Rocket Contest which are going live later this Summer. We're giving away some great prizes and I think your entry would be perfect.

I would be happy to feature it on our site if you decide to post the instructions there and help get it noticed among our 10 million visitors. Let me know if you have any questions!

Hope to hear from you soon!


mike [at] instructables. com

Thom Vincent said...
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Thom Vincent said...


The aerial video of the launches was great. I especially liked the slo-mo replays.

This reminds me of this RC UAV airplane and this RC UAV helicopter - each with a swivel-able camera.

~T said...

I believe everyone must look at this.

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Really effective information, much thanks for the article.

sports handicapping software said...

Thank you! I didn't know they picked up on it until I saw your comment.

professional assignment service uk said...

It seems like a really long but exciting day for you. I love these kind of exhausting but happy days.

Nathalie said...

Much appreciate you sharing this