Garage Space is always at a premium. We usually take broken parts to the scrap metal dealer once a month. Since the rocket and camera
died in such a fun way we thought we'd sell the
pair on e-bay as a souvenir.
Also here is the promised picture of the silver ball in all its glory....
What'd you end up doing for linear actuators?
Linear Actuators:
I started wit NOVAK brushless motors, the guts of BaneBots planetary gearboxes, and some small ball screws fromebay. I machined housings to hold angular contact bearings from mcmaster.
I machined bearing supported brackets to put the ball nuts in forks attached to the moving parts. I added string pots for feedback.
They are very light and violently fast. When you have it thrash about at full speed it rattles the landing gear bolts and sounds loud.
Try to stay calm about the remaining work and remember that its a marathon to the finish - not a 1 day or 1 weekend thrash/sprint!
Best of luck.
The silver ball looks great. Where would the additional external helium tanks be located?
Its fantastic that you keep up with the posting - thank you.
Interesting. That still ended up cheaper than off the shelf ones?
In the end not cheaper about the same cost, but faster brush-less and lighter...
The goal is to put the 180 sec LLC technology on a aerodynamic 100Km airframe and all but one of the actuators on the silver ball that would be actuated in flight are brush-less.
Your ebay item has someone doing a robot bid/retract bid on it because I kept bidding and it kept saying I was outbid for a bid for X and when I went to check it there was no bid for X, just several in a row with my name. eBay is a screwy place.
Garage space must be up to $2000/sq ft with the mortgage stimulus programs.
Cool beans. We'll have to chat about brushless drivers sometime.
It wasn't a robot bid.
I tried for amount X, but you had a higher bid and I did that a couple of times, not sure that I wanted to commit to higher number.
Finally, my max bid got above yours ;) 3.5 more days left in the auction!
well, neither of us one.
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