Reasonable people adapt themselves to the world.
Unreasonable people attempt to adapt the world to themselves.
All progress, therefore, depends on unreasonable people.
- George Bernard Shaw.
That is Awesome Paul! It's great to see the dedication and perseverance pay off. I'm sure everyone is looking forward to a more detailed flight report! Well done.
That is a huge step. Well done. You must be on top of the world. So what are the next steps; 1) Higher and longer flights (with hovering). 2) Traversal moments.
I really hope it all keep coming together so you have a successful attempt at the LLC. You would be the first H2O2 craft to fly the profile.
It looks good!
That is Awesome Paul! It's great to see the dedication and perseverance pay off. I'm sure everyone is looking forward to a more detailed flight report! Well done.
So awesome!! When do you go for the Level 1 second-place money; it's still out there isn't it??
Big congrats!
Congratulations! That's awesome - great work!
U need water bottles & to spray yourself with them.
Free flight! Congratulations! :)
Wow that's one sexy machine, congratulations!
That is a huge step. Well done.
You must be on top of the world.
So what are the next steps;
1) Higher and longer flights (with hovering).
2) Traversal moments.
I really hope it all keep coming together so you have a successful attempt at the LLC. You would be the first H2O2 craft to fly the profile.
Let me know when we can design a saucer shaped aeroshell for that baby.
That's great!
Nice work & congratulations.
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