In going out to FAR I've seen a whole bunch of beautiful rocket projects crash and burn due to recovery failure. Less than 25% of the liquid flights I've seen have had successful recovery.
I don't want to repeat this so I set out to learn recovery from the HPR guys that routinely recover their vehicles. Part of that was building and flying my own level 3 HPR.
On Saturday I went out to the local Tripoli HPR launch and flew my L3 qualification flight.
I don't have a whole lot of pictures, but I have a few bits of data..

Its a MadCow DX3 Massive Kit, I flew it on a CTI M1450 . The flight was a complete success 15587 ft altitude dual deployment with 24" drogue at apogee and a 96" main at 700 ft.

I learned some things about doing recovery in the process, some minor details, like swivels and shock cord sizing and protection. How to properly pack a parachute etc... hopefully I can transfer this knowledge to my next liquid project.